Saturday, February 12, 2011

My New FAV kids book

I LoVe to read to my kids and they LoVe to be read to.  I love the imagination, the pictures, the lessons that kids books are full off!  My kids and I recently came across this book...
It is now our FAV!  It is actually 3 short stories in one amazing little book.  The pictures are bright and fun, the characters are as charming as can be.  I have heard this is the beginning of what will most likely be a series for these 2 lovely characters.  Next time you go to the book store grab a copy! You and your kids will NoT be disappointed!  I HEART Bink & Gollie!

1 comment:

  1. New follower from Bloggy Mom's Blog Hop. Hope you stop by my blog too!

    - Brooke
