Monday, April 25, 2011

A Mile a Minute!

Of course everyone has heard this saying!  Sometimes it is used to describe an over excited child, a voice speaking to quickly, a fast driving car, many different things.  In my Mommapia's case it IS the daily grind of life!  Things are moving a MILE A MINUTE and B and are are trying to embrace the ride.

Mommapia is blasting into the next phase.  We are small but growing and with that growing there have been some growing pains.  Budget, marketing, sales, media etc... time managing, house managing, kid managing, self managing it is a constant battle of staying ahead of the game.  However preparation for our next phase has begun.

We are excited about our growing following and support.  The feedback has been amazing and we are SO looking forward to our next adventures with our little train that could.  We are climbing the hill now.  Huffing and puffing all the way up!  Opportunities have come along and we are crossing fingers that this will help us to better manage all of our tasks.

For now however we are enjoying the process and embracing our business!  If you are a mother, a mom-inventor, a work at home mother or maybe you just have a great idea, we would love to hear from you!  How do you manage your time, your business, your family and stay on top of all other things life throws your way?

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